
Radar--professional photo-shoot

Judge Lois Wolff White

Judge Jean Fournier--- Radar's Second Major
Judge Fred Bassett--- Radar's First Major

Judge Joe Walton in San Antonio, Texas

Judge Judy Doniere in San Antonio, Texas

Judge Michael Heflin in Stephenville, Texas --- GROUP 4

Judge Denny Mounce, Stephenville Kennel Club, Texas ---GROUP 3

Judge Betty Krause, Bee-Tex, Beeville, Texas ---GROUP 2

Judge Judy Webb, Bee-Tex, Beeville, Texas ---GROUP 3

Best in Specialty Show, Mt.Rainier Yorkshire Terrier Kennel Club

Judge Janice Mercer, Houston Toy Specialty, Houston, Texas

Judge Richard Muller, Houston Kennel Club, Texas

Judge Michael Daschel, Houston, Texas
Westminister 2009

Radar with Breeder, MaryLou, at the New York Specialties (Feb.2009)

RADAR, Sitting patiently in the Benching area of Westminster, after the show (Feb.2009)